One of your staffers just told you that he’ll need time off military duty, and you know you have certain obligations under the law to accommodate his request. But what exactly are your legal responsibilities under the Uniformed Services Employment …
Business owner tells hiring managers that no Blacks will ever work for his company
Overview: After a manager suggested that a Black job applicant would make a good hire, his boss told him, “No n-gg-rs will ever work for this company.” The scenario: When Randy Englebert, the owner of Climatemp Cooling & Heating, Inc., Summerdale, …
Woman sues for equal pay, saying men got retention raises, but female staffers didn’t
“Donna is suing us under the Equal Pay Act,” said HR Director Carolyn McGill. “She claims that she’s being paid less than her male coworkers because of her gender.” “Donna is mistaken,” said Supervisor Nathan Hawkins. “She’s well compensated for her …
You Make The Call: Was it OK to fire staffer for planning to get pregnant?
“How can Kathy sue us for unlawful pregnancy discrimination when she wasn’t even pregnant?” asked Supervisor Margie Brunton. “That’s a good question,” replied HR Manager Alan Frankel. “Nevertheless, Kathy is suing us, claiming that we retaliated …
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Prototypical women are more believable
You might be surprised to learn that certain types of women are more likely to be believed when they allege sexual harassment. So suggests a recent study from the University of Washington. Researchers guided 4,065 male and female participants …
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Race bias? Staffers sent home for wearing Black Lives Matter gear
The scenario: Shortly after the death of George Floyd prompted nationwide protests against racial injustice, a group of employees began wearing masks in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) cause. But it wasn’t just Black crew members who wore …
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