Federal law requires that companies pay all workers fairly, establishing penalties for organizations that discriminate against women by paying them less than similarly qualified men are paid for performing the same work. HR managers must ensure department managers and direct supervisors understand applicable laws and regulations, and that they stay up to date as new developments related to pay equity arise.
The cost of non-compliance can be exorbitant. Organizations found guilty of compliance failures related to the Equal Pay Act and other related rules may have to pay compensatory and punitive damages to affected workers. Supervisors who have access to timely, relevant pay equity news and resources can help their companies abide by equal pay laws and standards, thereby limiting their employers’ liability.
HR managers can find equal pay articles and the latest in legal news regarding pay equity issues in the HR Manager’s Legal Alert for Supervisors newsletter. Subscribing to this email newsletter — delivered directly to users’ inboxes twice monthly — is a simple, proactive way for HR managers to mitigate their organizations’ risks. Content designed with direct supervisors in mind provides pertinent equal pay news, best practices and other information about pay equity issues to help employees’ managers achieve fairness when making compensation decisions.
Your Ultimate Resource
There are many reasons the HR Manager’s Legal Alert for Supervisors newsletter from the Institute of Business Publications is the best source for pay equity news:
- Quick read. IOBP’s wage gap articles are short, intentionally designed so readers can get the information they need quickly before tackling the multitude of other responsibilities on their to-do lists.
- Concrete ideas. Supervisors who read the equal pay articles in our newsletter should come away with a better understanding of equal pay issues. Further, they should be able to see how the content applies to their situations. In addition to providing articles, our newsletter content offers actionable ideas and best practices for supervisors.
- Easily understood material. Our pay gap articles are written with your company’s end readers in mind — the supervisors responsible for making and communicating compensation decisions. Equal pay news is communicated in an easy-to-read format, using plain English.
- Cost-effective solution. The potential costs of dealing with an equal pay violation complaint far outweigh the expense of providing supervisors with proactive pay equity news.
Start Your Subscription
When HR managers subscribe to IOBP’s newsletter, the HR Manager’s Legal Alert for Supervisors, they can be confident they are giving supervisors the latest information about pay equity issues and related matters. This, in turn, helps protect the organization’s reputation — and its bottom line. Use the link below to start your trial subscription to this valuable resource today.